Heart Dental, Carson, CA
Gum treatment
For a healthy and beautiful smile
. About Gum Treatment .
Healthy gum is a foundation for your teeth to shine
If you’re reading this, you’re likely aware that your gum requires attention. Do any of these resonate with you? Two concerns we encounter frequently are:
- Bleeding, discomfort, and tooth mobility
- Cosmetic concerns related to gums like short teeth, recession, or an uneven gum line
Rest assured, you’re not alone. We meet people with these concerns daily. We understand that unhealthy or unaesthetic gum can not only impact comfort but also one’s smile and confidence.
As part of our smile enhancement protocols, we promote a healthy foundation for smile enhancement by educating about and treating gum issues. Gum contour and appearance are integral parts of our smile design process. With us, you not only achieve an aesthetically pleasing smile but also maintain optimal dental health.
. Misconception about gum disease .
But I do not have pain
More than 30 percent of US adults who are 30 years and older have some form of gum disease that already involves bone loss around teeth. Gum disease is a slow progressing and many times people do not feel pain until it is progressed beyond savable.
Some patients think that the calculus behind the teeth help to hold the teeth together and if we remove them, their teeth will have gap and they loose their teeth. We understand that replacing missing teeth not only safeguards your remaining teeth in the long term but also improves your smile and chewing abilities.
For our delighted patients, these are the transformative benefits they experience after restoring their teeth:
- Being able to smile confidently for photos or when meeting people for the first time, without any worry of being stared at.
- Going out to eat and confidently ordering anything they like, enjoying meals comfortably with others without struggling to chew your food.
- Regaining their confidence and feeling great about themselves again.
Before and after close-up: